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Manvita Boyini is a UX Designer

on most days...on other days she's reading weird little books, running down streets with her camera, daydreaming of museum hopping or simply taking a nap.

Educational Game Design

Scribble Pet

Role : UX Designer, UX Reseacher

Interactive Game Design

Scribble Pet is an interactive game designed to help artists learn the functionality of a Wacom tablet with ease. The game helps build muscle memory and makes the transition into digital art feel less awkward.

Accessibility by Design


Role : UX Designer, UX Reseacher

Mobile App Casestudy

ClearPath is a navigation app that helps individuals with autism and learning disabilities navigate safely through the town. This project was done as a part of coursework in my second semester as a grad student.

Wellness by Design


Role : UX Designer, UX Reseacher

Mobile App Casestudy

Sleepy was designed to help users ease their body and mind for bedtime by providing calming melodies and activities such as guided meditations and exercises. This project was an individual case study done prior to starting grad school.

Voice Interaction Design


Role : UX Designer, UX Reseacher

Voice Based Kiosk Caseestudy

Storykia is an interactive kiosk designed for an art museum. The design incorporates elements of holographic and voice-activated design to create an immersive experience. This project was done as part of coursework for my first semester of grad school.

Like what you're seeing? There's more where that came from!

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